Promotional code :
When you open a Yuh account with this code, you’ll receive CHF 50 in trading credits and 250 Swissquoins.
Valid only for Swiss residents, from an initial deposit of CHF 500 on your account. The trading credit is valid for 3 months only.

Promotional code :
When you open an account at Swissquote with this code, you receive CHF 100 in trading credits.
The trading credit is valid for 3 months only and for an initial deposit of CHF 1,000.

Affiliate link:
If you prefer an American investment platform, Interactive is the best alternative, with very low fees. Through this affiliate link, you’ll receive $1 in IBKR shares for every $100 of value (cash or other assets) added to your account, up to a value of $1,000 in IBKR shares.

Affiliate link :
When you open an account with SwissBorg through this affiliate link, you’ll receive a scratch-off ticket with a random value of between CHF 1 and CHF 100 in BORG (formerly CHSB), SwissBorg’s crypto currency.
Valid on first payment

Promotional code :
When you open a 3rd pillar account with VIAC using this code, you’ll receive free management of your first CHF 1,000 in pension assets, for life!

Promotional code :
When you open a 3rd pillar account at Frankly with this code, you’ll receive a CHF 35 discount on your fees.

Affiliate link:
If you prefer a European investment platform, Degiro is an excellent alternative, with very low fees. By using this affiliate link, you’ll benefit from reduced fees.

Promotional code :
When you open a Neon account with this code, you receive CHF 10.

Affiliate Link :
Link Revolut
No exchange rate surcharges and 0 fees abroad when you pay with your Revolut card!